Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones
Recent News
A Message from Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones-November 11th
A Message from Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones-November 11thOn this solemn day of November 11th, we, the Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones, stand united in remembrance and respect for all who have served and sacrificed in the name of peace and freedom.We honour the...
Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones Statement on Senator Murray Sinclair’s Legacy
Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones Statement on Senator Murray Sinclair's LegacyThe Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones (AVA) solemnly acknowledges the profound impact and enduring legacy of Senator Murray Sinclair, a beacon of hope and a tireless advocate for Indigenous...
Odawa Native Friendship Centre Upcoming Events
Thursday, November 7th 2024 The Odawa Native Friendship Centre will be hosting a Veterans Feast for all Veterans and current serving members. You may bring a guest with you. Event timings as follows. Please note that you are requested to register... Date is 7...
Service after Service: The National Veterans Employment Strategy – Servir après le service : La Stratégie nationale d’emploi pour les vétérans et les vétéranes
(le français suit) Dear Stakeholders, Today, I released Service after Service: The National Veterans Employment Strategy. The Government of Canada will work with partners across the government, for profit and not-for-profit organizations to improve Veteran employment...
Honourary Capt (N) Deb Eissan Investiture Ceremony
Honourary Capt (N) Deb Eissan Investiture Ceremony Written by LCol (Ret’d) Chantal Fraser On Monday June 21, 2021 I had the honour to be one of the AVA members to witness Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class (retired) Deborah Eisan being presented with her Royal Canadian...
Coding for Veterans
Korean War Veterans Association of Canada – Newletter
June 2021 Newsletter Final 3
Health Support Inquiry
From: Erin Anderson <erin@mesotheliomahope.com> Date: July 6, 2021 at 10:11:36 AM EDT To: Bob <thibeau.raf@hotmail.com> Subject: Re: Health Support Inquiry Reply-To: Erin Anderson <erin@mesotheliomahope.com> Hi Bob, Thank you for getting back to me!...
VAC membership – Minister’s Advisory Group
From: Angela Keeling Colkitt Sent: June 21, 2021 2:26 PM To: Veterans Organizations Subject: VAC membership - Minister's Advisory Group Good afternoon, I have been asked to share the following information with you. Please see...
Veterans with PTSD should have MedicAlert IDs, says Afghanistan vet
War veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) should have validated MedicAlert bracelets stating that they have a combat-related illness, said the decorated survivor of an RPG attack and subsequent firefight. Sean Teal, a wounded veteran who served...
Mesothelioma Veterans Centre
From: Aidan May <aidan@mesotheliomaveterans.org> Date: May 4, 2021 at 8:34:58 AM EDT To: Bob <thibeau.raf@hotmail.com> Subject: Health Support Inquiry Reply-To: Aidan May <aidan@mesotheliomaveterans.org> Hello Bob, I tried contacting you a couple of...
Petition to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change
The Never Forgotten National Memorial ( NFNM ), was to be proudly built at Green Cove, in the Cape Breton National Park, to honour the more than 114,000 Canadians who have fallen in the service of Canada and who are buried overseas, or have no known grave. It hit a...
Vétérans Canadien LEVONS-NOUS CONTRE LE RACISME Cher(es) Vétérans, les conséquences du racisme dans nos forces armées et à travers le Canada sont très dérangeantes. Comme Vétérans et membres actuels des FAC, nous avons fait serment d'allégeance au Canada et...
From: Denis Gravel <denisgravel85@gmail.com> Date: March 8, 2021 at 8:45:29 PM EST To: Francine Beaudry <Loup.7@hotmail.com>, Sylvain Arbour <Botangocharlie@hotmail.com>, André Georges Toupin <antane@sympatico.ca>, "AG Toupin, trésorier"...
Coding for Veterans
Attention: Over 60% of the spots for the May 2021 cohort are already filled! If you are considering applying to the Coding for Veterans Software Development or Cyber Security program for May 2021, you may want to consider going through the enrollment process soon. All...
Never Forgotten National Memorial (NFNM)
The Never Forgotten National Memorial ( NFNM ), was to be proudly built at Green Cove, in the Cape Breton National Park, to honour the more than 114,000 Canadians who have fallen in the service of Canada and who are buried overseas, or have no known grave. It hit a...
5-minute music video written by a very patriotic 84-year RCMP veteran
Good Day Fellow Veteran Communicator, With almost a full-year of COVID doom & gloom behind us and with positive thoughts for better days ahead, I firmly believe it is timely to share the following accreditation and 5-minute music video written by a very patriotic...
Canadian Army Run
Mon., Feb. 8 at 11:10 a.m. NEW YEAR, NEW CHALLENGES, NEW WESBITE, NO ORDINARY RACE! We are happy to announce the 2021 Virtual edition of Canada Army Run, Presented by BMO is now live! While we had to make the difficult decision to not host an in-person event this...
Good Day Fellow Veteran Communicator, I have prepared this message for general information purposes: LIMITATIONS – ROGERS ISP MASS DISTRIBUTION MESSAGING Approximately 10-years ago when I first attempted to send a message with more than 99-addressees, I received a...
Information Related to Military’s use of Asbestos
My name is Josh Tominus and I work in the public outreach department of The Mesothelioma Center (Asbestos.com). As a result of the military's past reliance on asbestos, countless veterans are currently suffering from life-threatening diseases caused by asbestos...
The Memory Project – Gulf War Video Launch
I hope you’re having a good weekend. I wanted to let you know that the Gulf War video has officially launched! Below are the public YouTube links for the video, and please feel free to share them or post them as you’d like. English https://youtu.be/CCknJrOYlCU ...
Annual AVA Membership Dues
Good day all, I am resending this message with some clarification. The registrar is accepting the membership dues. She is carbon copied in this message. Her email address is: registrar@avavets.com The mailing address is available in the membership link that I...
Legion Magazine Jan/Feb 2021 – Indigenous Veteran’s portrait unveiled at war museum
Kwey dear friends, Another historical day for my Peoples, we got the very first story of our Community in the Legion Magazine. It gives Honor to our Veterans. Migwech! Hélène Cayer 613-749-3682
Coding for Veterans
You have a VIP invite to attend the following Webinar On January 21st , 2021 at (1000 PST, 1100 MST, 1200 CST, 1300 EST, 1400 AST) Click on this link to RSVP to the Webinar https://c4v2021outlook.eventbrite.ca For those of you who have already RSVP'd for the...
Short Journalistic Project on Indigenous Veterans
Ryerson University Journalistic Project on Veterans This short video was produced by Afnan Al-Kholani and her team from Ryerson University about Indigenous Veterans Music by: "In the moment" by Steve Oxen
Mental Health for Canadian Veterans
Hello Fellow Vets, For those dealing with mental health issues, please refresh yourself with Understanding mental health - Veterans Affairs Canada Please don't face mental issues on your own. Blessings, stay safe, stay well Bob
Never Forgotten National Memorial
We have a technical/message issue with the Petition e-3017, and will be re-writing the Petition to improve the message, so, if you haven't already signed it, please hold off, and if you have signed, please stand by to help again when we have the new one on line....
Hello Fellow Veterans
My good friend John Jewitt voluntold me to be this site's new Admin. No issues! I am somewhat familiar with WordPress, but I will learn as I go. Now that I am "on the job", I invite you all to deluge me with articles to populate the site. I hope everyone is faring...
Aboriginal Veterans Monument – 11 November 2020
L-R: Aurel Dube, Bob Crane, John Jewitt and Guy Dancause downtown paying respects
Coding for Veterans
Only 5 Spots Remain for our January 2021 Only 5 spots remain for the Coding for Veterans January 2021 cohort which is starting on January 5th, 2021. If you know of someone who is interested in finding out more information about the program, go to this...
Join AVA
Membership is open to all Aboriginal Veterans and supporters. There is a requirement for verification of service and Aboriginal affiliation for Regular membership status. Please include copies of some form of evidence of service and some form of Aboriginal ancestry.