The Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones (AVA) is a nationally incorporated organization that represents the interests of Canadian Aboriginal Veterans and serving members who are of Aboriginal descent. This fills the void left by the dissolution of the National Aboriginal Veterans Association.
Our Role and Mission
Advocacy – Community Service – Remembrance

To advise and provide support for and to all Aboriginal Veterans and their families regarding all issues pertaining to Veteran’s needs & rights. Advocate and provide support to and on behalf of Aboriginal Serving Members.

Community Service
To promote, engage in and provide support to the Community by encouraging contributions to our society and to future generations. Provide the most positive influence to our Aboriginal communities and youth by both traditional teachings and strong leadership development through a variety of resources.

To Honour and perpetuate the memories and outstanding deeds of our fallen comrades who gave their lives to preserve the freedom for all.
What’s New
Presidents Corner
Recent News

Get in touch with AVA
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Kit Shop
View the items available for purchase such as berets, pocket crests, pins, patches, and more!
Join AVA
Membership is open to all Aboriginal Veterans and supporters. There is a requirement for verification of service and Aboriginal affiliation for Regular membership status. Please include copies of some form of evidence of service and some form of Aboriginal ancestry.