Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones

President’s Corner

President’s Christmas Wishes 2020

by | Dec 16, 2020 | President's Corner

All Members of AVA,

This year has been exceptionally interesting and challenging year for our Veterans, their families and all Canadians.  Covid-19 has certainly hit the global community with hope in sight for the New Year. Even though we have been isolating we all are playing our part looking out for each other and our community Elders whom we do not want to lose to Covid-19.  This year has been especially difficult for us as our friend, Elder and Veteran Joseph Paquette passed away early in the New Year and he will be missed.  As an update for everyone, AVA has been asked to place members on the new Centre of Excellence for PTSD Advisory boards, the Ombudsman Policy Advisory Group and I thank Shauna Mulligan, Tim O’Loan and Floyd Powder for their accepting these positions on behalf of all Veterans.  With AVA on these Advisory Groups, it allows us to put forward any and all concerns of members so that we have the opportunity to provide positive input to get the best results for Veterans.  There is also a Peer Support Advocate training designed to teach how to better deal with someone who suffers from PTSD or other Mental Illness and how to help Veterans recover effectively and to have them become a success after the trauma.  The training will commence again in the New Year and anyone wishing to attend the one-day free online course let one of the executives know of your intentions.  Of note, Chief Wendy Jocko of the Pikwakanagan First Nation near CFB Petawawa, who is also a member of AVA is a part of the VAC Covid-19 task force.  Wendy not only is looking after Veterans, but also is looking out for the safety of her community during these uncertain times.

At this time of year, we celebrate through our own traditional ways and in some cases that means we celebrate the Christian Holiday of Christmas.  As Indigenous Veterans we respect all hose cultures who celebrate this season, and we hope that soon all religions and people of faith begin to understand that we are from the human race and need to work together for the good of humanity.  We thank the Creator for his guidance over the year 2020 and ask him to continue to watch over us.  Please take this time to spend your holiday with close family and Stay Safe.  I hope the season will be one of happiness and joy.  My friends, fellow Veterans and families my wife, Rose and I extend you a Very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2021.


Miigwetch, Marsee, Merci, Qujannamiik, All My Respect

Robert Thibeau, CD



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