Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones
Recent News
Aboriginal veterans recognized at 31st annual Algonquins of Pikwakanagan Pow Wow
GOLDEN LAKE – Powerful drum beats and singing were the heartbeat that led the dancers in their colourful regalia around the grounds at the 31st annual Algonquins of Pikwakanagan Traditional Powwow. Indigenous people from across the region, Quebec and parts of the...
Chief of the Defence Staff Joint Suicide Prevention Strategy Message
5 October 2017 - NDHQ Ottawa Suicide is an issue we have been dealing with for a very long time. Like many of you, I've lost friends to suicide and it's gut-wrenching every time it happens. Every life that is lost, every career cut short, is a blow to our military...
The Dieppe 75th Commemoration
First, I would like to thank the membership of our fine Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones for the honour and the privilege to represent our Veterans from across Canada on this most extraordinary pilgrimage in Dieppe France. I was more than honoured to be in the company...
Join AVA
Membership is open to all Aboriginal Veterans and supporters. There is a requirement for verification of service and Aboriginal affiliation for Regular membership status. Please include copies of some form of evidence of service and some form of Aboriginal ancestry.