Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones
Links of Interest
Websites of Interest
The Army, Navy & Air Force Veterans in Canada (ANAVets)
NATO Veterans
National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces
National Defence and Canadian Forces Ombudsman
Access to Information and Privacy (DND/CAF)
Library and Archives Canada
The Vimy Foundation
Sharp Solutions – Accessing culture
Princes Operation Entrepreneur
Senate Parliament Vu
What’s New
February 26, 2025, Ottawa, ON – Veterans Ombud Colonel (Ret’d) Nishika Jardine released a report today on Additional...
A Message from Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones-November 11th
A Message from Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones-November 11thOn this solemn day of November 11th, we, the Aboriginal...
Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones Statement on Senator Murray Sinclair’s Legacy
Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones Statement on Senator Murray Sinclair's LegacyThe Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones (AVA)...
Odawa Native Friendship Centre Upcoming Events
Thursday, November 7th 2024 The Odawa Native Friendship Centre will be hosting a Veterans Feast for all Veterans and...
Service after Service: The National Veterans Employment Strategy – Servir après le service : La Stratégie nationale d’emploi pour les vétérans et les vétéranes
(le français suit) Dear Stakeholders, Today, I released Service after Service: The National Veterans Employment...
Honourary Capt (N) Deb Eissan Investiture Ceremony
Honourary Capt (N) Deb Eissan Investiture Ceremony Written by LCol (Ret’d) Chantal Fraser On Monday June 21, 2021 I...
Coding for Veterans
Korean War Veterans Association of Canada – Newletter
June 2021 Newsletter Final 3
Health Support Inquiry
From: Erin Anderson <erin@mesotheliomahope.com> Date: July 6, 2021 at 10:11:36 AM EDT To: Bob...
VAC membership – Minister’s Advisory Group
From: Angela Keeling Colkitt Sent: June 21, 2021 2:26 PM To: Veterans...
A Christmas Message
As we gather in the sacred spirit of this holiday season, Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones extends our warmest wishes...
CDS Welcome Letter
The RCMP Veterans Association recently published an opinion letter on their website called “My Canada – is it Your Canada?” authored by Iwona Mooney. This letter was subsequently removed after being exposed by APTN as a prime example of the racist attitudes and prejudice which are still held by some RCMP veterans and members.
Open Letter Regarding RCMP Veterans Association
Mr. Robert Thibeau, CD President, Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones 1201 Atkinson Street Kingston, ON K7P 0E1 ...
Centre of Excellence – PTSD
Please refer to PTSD and Some Options for Therapy – Centre of Excellence on PTSD (veteransmentalhealth.ca) Robert...
VAC looking for pictures of women and their service
All VAC is preparing a written article for release sometime this year and I received a call from VAC looking for...
Report on Mental Health Treatment Benefits for Family Members, In Their Own Right, for Conditions Related to Military Service
All, I received this document this morning and spoke with Nishika Jardine (OVO) and the summary looks at benefits for...
President’s Christmas Wishes 2020
All Members of AVA, This year has been exceptionally interesting and challenging year for our Veterans, their families...
Remembrance Day Message 2019
It is that time of year once again that we pause and reflect on our Aboriginal Veterans in the Spirit of Remembrance. ...
Letter from the President – March 2019
Our organization has been keeping busy over the past year leading into 2019. We have established ourselves on 3...
Letter from the President
Members, It is with a great deal of pride that I share with you the some of the steps that the Aboriginal Veterans...
Join AVA
Membership is open to all Aboriginal Veterans and supporters. There is a requirement for verification of service and Aboriginal affiliation for Regular membership status. Please include copies of some form of evidence of service and some form of Aboriginal ancestry.